Michelle01/03/10 09:29 pm4: Chapter 4 - Howls in the NightSigned

I'm so glad you included that little discussion on why the wolves were attacking folk. I admit, I'm kind of allergic to fanfic writers simply using wolves when they need an evil beast. They're just settling back in the area where I live, after being extinct here for at least 100 years. Since I'm thrilled about that, I don't quite like people coming up with these silly Litte Red Riding hood wolves that just snatch you away to eat you alive. The WWF would have quite a bit to say about that:)

Anyway, some Aragorn angst never goes amiss, whoever causes it:)

Author's Response:

Seeing as Tolkien himself used wolves of various types to pester the Fellowship, I figured I was on fairly safe ground in using them in this situation.  I definitely don't see Aragorn & Co going around slaughtering them just to be slaughtering them (hence having them save the pelts).  :)  

Glad you enjoyed the angst!

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