Amarok12/05/10 02:17 pm1: Chapter 1Signed

Pruuuust.... that is so funny! Now I understand the comment that Elrond will think no less of him even better (even though it made sense before ;-) )... Poor Aragorn, I can relate wholeheartedly :-).

lindahoyland05/24/10 11:21 am1: Chapter 1Signed

LOL,a nice twist here! I was expecting something deadly serios!

Author's Response:

<grin>  I remember when I was writing this my husband was being so ridiculous about getting a plantar's wart dealt with, moaning and groaning, and it just made my bunnies hop around like mad things... LOL  Thanks so much for taking the time to write and review!  Marethiel

cairistiona05/11/10 10:29 pm1: Chapter 1Signed

Poor Aragorn!  It's such a non-heroic ailment to be plagued with, but ouch, I bet every reader can relate to his pain and frustration.  And to Halbarad's frustration at being plagued with a cranky friend. :)  

Author's Response:

<giggle> I truly felt for Halbarad in that one.  Stuck between his Chieftain and his fellow members of the Grey Company!  LOL  Glad you enjoyed it.

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