Amarok12/05/10 12:58 pm1: Chapter 1Signed

Oh my..., this is very sad and very touching. Loved the letter, loved that it fell from the cloak Aragorn wore so long - perhaps as long as his love for Arwen lasted. You described her grief well, and also both their hopes, of a reunion of sorts byond the borders of the world they are leaving.

Author's Response:

Thank you, Amarok, for your kind words; I'm glad you were touched. I wanted there to be something tangible for Aragorn to leave behind for Arwen that would assure her of his undying love even as her grief overwhelmed her. As so much of his life was spent putting other's needs before his own, I can easily see him penning this love letter to his soulmate, even as he prepared to leave his mortal life behind.


babschwi11/07/10 11:00 pm1: Chapter 1Anonymous

that is almost too sad, but very well written

i would wish for more hope...

Author's Response:

Yes, I would wish for more hope too, but Tolkien himself says the following about Arwen after Aragorn's death in The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen: "The light of her eyes was quenched and it seemed to her people that she had become cold and grey as nightfall in winter that comes without a star.....She said all whom she had loved, and she went out from the city of Minas Tirith and passed away to the land of Lorien...and laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth."

I wanted to capture the unvarnished emotions that Arwen feels immediately prior to and after Aragorn's death, where she hovers between comfort at the love tokens he has left for her to find and the ultimate despair that leads her to leave not only Minas Tirith but her mortal life behind as well.


lindahoyland10/31/10 10:44 pm1: Chapter 1Signed

This story is just outstanding.Sad, beautiful and perfectly written.A true gem.

Author's Response:

Thanks, linda, for your kind thoughts. I wanted to imagine what Aragorn and Arwen's last morning together might have been like, and hoped to capture the raw emotions that would have been flowing through Arwen's heart as the day progessed and came to a close. Losing a soul mate has to be one of the most devastating experiences in life. Thanks again for your encouragement! Blessings.

rs910/30/10 01:01 am1: Chapter 1Signed

This story made my heart ache.  Never has a story made me feel this way.  I've read may fics on Aragorn's passing, but this has to be the most heart-wrenching, tear-jerker, most heart-felt story I have read thus far.   It is beautiful.  

Your descriptions are so vivid that I am actually seeing what Arwen is seeing...let alone feeling what she's feeling. I hope you keep up the writing.  This is truly beautiful.  Keep it up.  Thank cairistionia for recommending this fic.  I just found myself another favorite author.  Cannot wait for your next story.

Author's Response:

Thanks, rs9, for your lovely comments! Aragorn has been my favorite character since I first came to know Tolkien's works, and I wanted to explore what this saddest of days in Arwen's life might have been like. I tried to place myself in her shoes and see the day through her eyes. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the story and I appreciate so much your encouragement to keep at it!! Blessings, Striderette9

Ellynn10/29/10 05:28 pm1: Chapter 1Signed

This is so beautiful, sad, poignant, heart-breaking... there are many stories about this theme, but this one is really among the best I've read. I love your descriptions, and the way you depict her emotions. Definitely the best part is Aragorn's letter. Beautifully done.

Author's Response:

Thank you so much, Ellynn, for your kind review! It's a great encouragement to me. I wanted to capture the raw emotions of Arwen's heart following Aragorn's death, and I'm glad that the story touched you. Blessings!

cairistiona10/29/10 02:07 pm1: Chapter 1Signed

Yay!  You got it posted!  Congrats and may this be the first of many. :)

I did really enjoy this heart-rending glimpse into Aragorn's final day and Arwen's first day as a widow (*sniff!!*)   You've done a marvelous job capturing both characters and the beginnings of Arwen's sad journey.  Would that Tolkien have given her an easier end! 

Very well done and welcome to the fun of published fanfic!

Author's Response:

What can I say? Thanks so much for your encouragement along the way!! This is a part of Aragorn and Arwen 's story that captures my imagination, and I wanted to "see" this painful day through her eyes....I appreciate so much your kind words and am glad that the story touched your heart as it did mine. Blessings!!!!

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