thepersonwithnoname07/20/12 05:09 am1: Aragorn: First MeetingAnonymous

Amazing, i love it!!!

It's really beautiful and very meaningfull!!! 


Author's Response:

Thank you! 

Michelle05/01/12 09:14 pm6: Arwen: Not Till NowSigned

I like this very much. The tone is very lyrical and beautiful to read. Part 4 was my favourite - I have never actually thought about this particular moment, but I find it very endearing that Aragorn is so jittery and eager to be on the road. And that's what I like about gapfillers and vignettes like yours: They make you think anew about characters and scenes you know. Maybe you find a new detail or you look at things from another angle. That way, the books and the films never get "old". There's always something new to explore!

Author's Response:

Thank you!

I remember very well the time when the moment I dealt with in part 4 came alive to me. It was as if that small comment opened up the whole story of Aragorn, and I was facinated that Tolkien managed to put all that into one little sentcne. And how this was only posible to see after I knew the whole story. In a way that is why I love LotR so much: I find new angles and new things every time I read it.

Ellynn04/30/12 03:13 pm6: Arwen: Not Till NowSigned

Wonderful ending to the series.

Author's Response:

Thank you. It is among those I am most happy with in this series.

Ellynn04/19/12 05:40 pm5: Éomer: Pelennor FieldsSigned

This is so sad and poignant. Beautifully written.

Author's Response:

Thank you.

Ellynn03/15/12 05:43 pm4: Aragorn: Before LeavingSigned

Good description of Aragorn's impatience and what this moment might mean to him. ;)

Just one suggestion. You have a sentence "what is a few minutes against that?" I am not sure, but I doubt they measured time in minutes, which are our modern units of time. I think it would sound better if you put moments instead of minutes. ;)

Author's Response:

Good point. Thank you.

I don't remember quite why I choose 'minutes' rather than 'moments' here. I'll take another look. The word itself is from 1350-1400, so it would fit with a mideavel-ish time, and hobbits, of course, have watches. But 'minutes' is from latin, and I usually try to avoid too many latin-based words. And hobbits are kind of anacronisitic. Thanks for bringing it up, I will listen to it a bit (and then probably change it;) )

Ellynn02/24/12 11:06 am2: Minas Tirith: A Gondorian SoldierSigned

I love the dark atmosphere in the end - well done!

Author's Response:

Thank you.

Darkover01/15/12 02:10 am1: Aragorn: First MeetingSigned

Dear Ragnelle: That was beautiful! I am especially impressed because English is not your first language. While this first chapter does not seem to tie in with the title--it is not about battle--Aragorn's tale of how he first felt when he learned of his destiny and met the woman with whom he would fall in love is still a pleasure to read. It makes sense that a man who has seen as many "dark" things as Aragorn had over the course of his long life would want to speak first of what made him happiest. Well done, and I look foward to the remaining chapters. Sincerely, Darkover

Author's Response:

Thank you! That was very nice to hear.

Not all the chapters will be about physical battles, though i guess this vignette does not tie in a obviously with the title as most of the others do. I hope it will be possible to se the conection between the vignettes once they all are posted.

Ellynn01/14/12 12:06 pm1: Aragorn: First MeetingSigned

It is really poetic and beautiful.

Author's Response:

Thank you. I try :)

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