Ragnelle Contact Author

Member Since: 05/23/11

I have for years only been on ff.net, but since I almost only write fanfiction for LotR, I thought I would expand a little. And while I am indifferent to Legolas, I am quite fond of Aragorn, so this place looked like a good place to start.

I am turing 37, went back to school last year and am looking at another 5 years of study. So it will be a while before I get a 'real' job, I guess.

I am trained as an oral story-teller, and at times I find it frustrating when I write, because that beautiful repetition I just know will work wonderfully in telling, does not translate well on paper... I am thinking about recording some of my stories because of that, but it will be a little while before I can get that done.

I have two horses, one 21 year old gelding and a 2 year old mare that I am beginning to get to know. The gelding is my first horse, and while it is not all that long since i bought him (though it is almost 6 years now), I have been riding a lot longer. I ride dressage, and am also learning about how to use the horse in combat. Since the training for battle is where the dressage-ridiing began, I find it very interesting and fun.

It can also make me a bit ... picky ... when it comes to descriptions of horses and riding in fiction.

Not quite sure what else to say. I will probably look around a bit before I begin posting any stories of my own. At the moment all my published fanfiction is on ff.net - I use the same pen-name there.

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Stories by Ragnelle [6] Series by Ragnelle [1] Reviews by Ragnelle [8] Podfics by Ragnelle [0] Ragnelle's Favorites [3]
Stories by Ragnelle
Where the Grass Grows Green book 2: On Bended Knee by Ragnelle [1 Reviews]

AU. The Quest failed and darkness rules the lands of Middle-earth. For the captives in the Land of Shadow, hope is bleak, and at best they strive to stand, even if only on their knees. And Sauron is set on bending Elessar to his will.

Book two of six.

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring, Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Elrond, Eomer, Faramir, Frodo, Galadriel, Gandalf, Imrahil, Nazgūl, Original Character, Sauron | Genres: Action, Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: AU, Character Death | Chapters: 14 | Published: 06/13/12 | Updated: 06/18/15 | Words: 82991 | Completed: No | Read: 53936

Where the Grass Grows Green 1: We May Yet Stand by Ragnelle [0 Reviews]

The Quest failed. Sam killed Gollum before the Ring was destroyed and now darkness rules the lands of Middle-earth. A small group from the resistance battles both hunger and mistrust, to keep hope alive. But will the sacrifices outweigh the gain?

Prologue and Appendix added

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Eomer, Eowyn, Faramir, Gandalf, Glorfindel, Merry, Nazgūl, Original Character, Sauron | Genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama, General, Hurt/Comfort | Language: English | Rating: T | Warnings: AU, Character Death | Chapters: 24 | Published: 06/12/11 | Updated: 06/12/12 | Words: 140416 | Completed: Yes | Read: 82944

Memories of Battle by Ragnelle [8 Reviews]

Battle comes in many forms, and the memories are not always dark.

These are the memories of several characters, with Aragorn as the most prominent. Each vignette will have a different memory, told in first person.

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR, Third Age - War of the Ring, Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen, Eomer | Genres: Angst, General | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 6 | Published: 01/13/12 | Updated: 04/29/12 | Words: 2445 | Completed: Yes | Read: 16548

Awake by Ragnelle [1 Reviews]

And in the end he woke, and see! it was a dream.

Written for Teitho: Dreams

Category: Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Boromir, Denethor, Faramir | Genres: Drama, General, Horror, Supernatual | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 12/16/11 | Updated: 12/16/11 | Words: 1135 | Completed: Yes | Read: 2344

That a Voice Be true - a praise-song by Ragnelle [1 Reviews]

When, and how, is a man's true voice to be found?

Written for Teitho: "Music"

Category: Third Age - Pre LOTR, Third Age - War of the Ring | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn | Genres: General | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 11/13/11 | Updated: 11/13/11 | Words: 608 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1725

The Last Laugh by Ragnelle [3 Reviews]

Some things are not a laughing matter. Aragorn finds out the hard way.

Category: Fourth Age - Post LOTR | Series: Series Characters: Aragorn, Arwen | Genres: Humour | Language: English | Rating: K+ | Warnings: None | Chapters: 1 | Published: 06/02/11 | Updated: 06/02/11 | Words: 424 | Completed: Yes | Read: 1801